The Profitable Nutritionist program is not currently open for public enrollment.
The doors will reopen September 14-20 2023

"Andrea and this program have provided all the information, encouragement, support, coaching and mentorship I needed to go from one or two clients here and there to signing over 10 clients back-to-back in my newly formed 4-month program!
I am so thrilled to have consistent paying clients and to have my dreams for myself become reality. I truly couldn't have nor would have wanted to do it on my own and I am always amazed at how Andrea shows up for us each week with inspiration, direction and guidance, she is an amazing example of what is possible!"
Jennifer C.
In our industry, there's a big problem...
Many holistic nutritionists and health coaches believe:
- It's HARD to get paying clients
- They hate social media but don't think they can get clients any other way
- They don't know where to start and don't want to waste time (so they end up doing nothing)
- They don't know their niche yet (or it's not one that will pay for help)
- They're scared to get too busy with their business and be pulled away from their family and other priorities
- Getting their website and tech set up is too overwhelming
- They're really good at helping their friends for free but feel bad charging people
- They need to get another certification first so they can be more of an expert
- They feel disappointed and doubt themselves when things don't show results immediately
- The people coming to them can't afford to pay premium prices
- They're just not good at the "business side" of things
- As their own boss, they're too lenient with themself and don't stick to their schedule to get sh*t done
- Secretly, they fear getting clients because if those clients don't get results it will be their fault
If any of that resonated, you're in the right place.
Everything you learn in this program is going to help you quickly shift those beliefs. Your business can be light and simple and massively profitable. You can love every minute you spend in it and put your head on the pillow every night feeling damn proud of the impact you're creating.
You can do this. Right now.


The Profitable Nutritionist™ is a high-touch program, with a combination of on-demand resources and live coaching.
It's not another DIY online course that you'll abandon halfway through to invest in something else.
As soon as you join you’ll receive immediate, lifetime access to all the components.
(No waiting for modules to unlock.)
Once you’re in the program, you’re in – for life.
You’ll have access to the course and ongoing LIVE coaching and support, as well as all future updates and additional content that gets added, which is included free of charge.
There are 4 Stages of Business Growth You'll Be Guided Through, Step by Step, Via On-Demand Trainings
Repeatable Revenue Process Stage 1: Foundational Decisions
Repeatable Revenue Process Stage 2: Make $1K
Repeatable Revenue Process Stage 3: Make $10K
Repeatable Revenue Process Stage 4: $10K-$100K+

The investment for The Profitable Nutritionist™ program is $3000.
You'll have immediate lifetime access to the entire program, including all future updates, workshops, trainings and coaching. Everything.
You'll make your $3000 investment back or I'll give it back to you.
Even if you don't have your niche or pricing figured out, yet.
Even if you don't know exactly how you're going to replace your corporate income, yet.
Even if you don't have a website or program created, yet.
Even if you haven't had any paying clients, yet.
Even if you're swamped with unfinished courses and projects you're trying to finish up first before you join.
Stop those projects! You probably don't need to do them at all and are wasting time.
If you want to learn how to SELL and SERVE more in your practice so you can make consistent income you can count on every month, it's time to start right now.
We're not waiting until everything is perfect, because it never is.
You get started where you're at right now. I'll show you how.
Your people are waiting for you to help them, and they WANT to buy now. Don't make them wait.
100% Results Guarantee
After learning and implementing the content and tools in the program, if you haven't made your investment back I will refund your purchase. For the full results guarantee policy, click here.
Commit to the process. Apply the simple steps.
Go slow or go fast; it's all up to you.
Make your $3000 back or I'll give it back to you.
"Ok 👍🏻 Best decision I ever made… the second I registered someone reached out to me.. I just got off the consult call and charged 5000$ for 6 months. Then someone else gifted a 6 week program to a family member for 2000$.
I’ve only gone through the decide portion. I just made 7000$ in one day. Which is more than I would have made in a month working at the hospital at the top of my pay scale.
Thank you 🙏 For praying for me."Natalie P.
The Assets:

4-Stage Repeatable Revenue Process Modules
The Repeatable Revenue Process is an organic marketing method that works everywhere.
In person conversations, consult calls, on your website, in your emails, and (most of all) in the conversations your clients have with their sphere of influence while they're sending you referrals.
Live Events + Coaching
Sometimes you need to check your work, get feedback, troubleshoot a situation or get your mindset figured out.
You'll want feedback on a discovery call you just had or another pair of eyes to read through your sales page.
Other times you'll need some coaching on your offer or if you should raise your pricing.
That's what our Live Coaching and Events are for, and they will quickly become your favorite part of the workweek. Guaranteed.
Every single week you will have access to at least one (but sometimes several) LIVE coaching and Q&A calls.
Private Members Only Podcast
In addition to the video recordings of all Live Events and Coaching Replays, you also have a Private, Members-Only Podcast with all of the audios uploaded so you can listen to coaching on the go.
The private members-only podcast is a special feed you add to your favorite podcast app, which allows you to listen to all call replays anywhere you currently podcast: your car, the gym, while you're cooking or walking the dog.
Recordings are typically uploaded to the private podcast feed within 48 hours, which means even if you can't attend live, you never miss out on a session.
The Lounge
You now have access to a community of peers who have made lots of money in the exact business you have, and speak the same language.
The members-only community component of the program is called The Lounge, it's NOT on Facebook, and it's filled with like-minded peers having massive success in building their health and wellness practice just like you.
The Bonuses
The Repeatable Revenue Process is the cake, and these Bonuses are the icing.
They are the "extras" that will take you deeper towards mastering a skill in your business so you can make more money and impact more clients faster and with even more fun and ease.
The Bonus courses and trainings are waiting for you whenever you're ready. You have lifetime access, so there's no rush to frost the cake, so to speak.
NEW BONUS MAY 2023: Consults That Convert: Overcoming Objections + Mastering Sales Conversations
BONUS: Website In A Weekend Course
BONUS: Create Better Clients, Content + Copy Course
BONUS: Total Calendar Mastery Time Management System (With Templates)
BONUS: Take Charge With Trello Course (With Templates)
BONUS: Easy Outsourcing Course (With Hiring Script)
One Investment of $3000.
Immediate, Lifetime Access To Everything.


Is This Program Right For You?
The Profitable Nutritionist™ program is the only business program you need to grow your holistic nutrition or health coaching practice to $100K+ in consistent, predictable revenue that you can count on every month.
You'll get there one ecstatic client at a time.
Once you have learned the skill of generating clients consistently and making money on demand by following the Repeatable Revenue Process I teach, the road to a six figure+ business you love is just a matter of rinse and repeat.
You start to go faster and faster. It gets even easier and simpler.
Many students sign their next premium client and make their investment back just from watching the Start Here introduction module, even if they're completely starting from scratch.
And you can, too.
This Program Is Perfect For You If:
✔️ You have a holistic nutrition or health coaching practice and you want to make it consistently profitable and sustainable so your family can count on the income each month
✔️ You want to become a profitable, efficient business owner, instead of an employee
✔️ You want to know exactly what to sell and how to price your offers at each stage of growth in your business so you don't get burned out
✔️ You're sick of letting imposter syndrome and perfectionism keep you playing small
✔️ You want to feel more confident in your sales AND while working with your clients
✔️ You're ready to learn exactly what to say in your marketing and copy so people are reaching out to you constantly and you never have to stress about finding clients
✔️ You want to know what simple, organic marketing strategies to focus instead of wasting time posting on social media
✔️ You want to become a master at time management and only doing tasks in your business that make money and create value for your clients (instead of working all day/week/month on busy work like your website but with no $$ to show for it)
✔️ You want to create a simple, automated system for clients to find you that allows technology to work for you and not be a roadblock
✔️ You're fed up with social media "engagement strategies" and want to someday delete those apps once and for all and grow your biz without social media
✔️ You want your business to fund your awesome life, not BE your whole life
The Profitable Nutritionist program is not currently open for public enrollment.
The doors will reopen September 14-20 2023
"I have learned that building a business doesn’t have to be complicated. Start where you are with what you have and build as you go.
Kyra O.
"I made what seemed like a scary decision to join this program this year and I am SO glad I did. Just after joining, I was due to sell a new programme and really didn't know where to start with it. Without having to do much at all, I ended up doubling my sales from what I had anticipated.
Andrea has helped me to get such crystal clear clarity on the direction of my business for the year to come. And the best thing about it is that I feel much more confident in my decisions and am incredibly excited for my clients' and future clients' results."
Lisa D.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will this program be good for me if I don't have any clients yet?
Is TPN only for selling memberships or online courses?
How long does it usually take to make $1K?
Do I need to show up live for weekly coaching calls?
Do I have to be certified or graduated before I join the program?
Can I get continuing education credits by participating in TPN?
Is TPN an online course?
Why live coaching?
What if I don't have a website?
"I joined this program knowing that being able to join live calls each week was enough on it's own, but what I have gained is much more than I anticipated.
I have been shown, in the most amazing way, how our thoughts about ourselves, our business, and our clients are projected out into the world (in a non-woo woo way), but still in a way that others pick up on.
When I started carrying myself into my work in a confident manner and choosing only to-do items that align with what I really need to do, letting go of the noise and distractions and really working with intent, everything falls into place.
I finally started paying myself for the first time since I opened my business 2 years ago. I was always putting the money into more programs or marketing and telling myself I couldn't afford to pay myself yet. I was so wrong. Once I started paying myself, a sense of motivation and drive was reignited, I was finally honoring myself for this work."
English G.
"I just finished the “start here” module and all I gotta say is A-MAZ-ING!!! I’m a stage 1er and am excited to go through the next module and decide, take action, and evaluate!
Love how you’ve approached this program and the content is fabulous and super helpful right out of the gate as I knew it would be. Thanks for all you do, and appreciate the gentle but firm push for me to move forward and not hold back like I’ve been doing."
Lori L.
"Andrea is an amazing coach and I feel so thankful that the Universe aligned us! When I first started her program, I would repeatedly say, "Thanks for the therapy session". She knows exactly what goes on in our brains and helps us work through it to make forward progress.
The best piece of advice she gives is to not make yourself have to know everything or have everything done in order to start making money. In fact, building my mentorship a week at a time has ended up being the very best thing I could have done...because it has allowed me to listen to my members and provide them what they need when they need it! I'm so thankful to Andrea; my guide to building the freedom I've always wanted!"
Dani H.
If you're feeling something inside perk up at the thought that your business can be light and fun, that's an intuitive hit
that this invitation is just for you.
Inside The Profitable Nutritionist™ program we're creating profitable businesses that provide financial freedom for our families.
We are normalizing six and multiple six figure businesses as the minimum standard for holistic practitioners the world is literally dying to find.
We are building businesses that fund full-time travel and adventure.
Businesses that fund choices about how we spend our time, what schools our kids attend, and what location we're going to work from this month.
Our businesses fund choices about whether or not to continue that "day job".
We're building businesses that change the health and healing of entire families with the results our clients are getting.
Future generations will be forever impacted by the ripple effect of the work we're doing and the change we're creating.
Along the way, we're building businesses that retire husbands from the corporate grind and pay for dream homes on Kauai.
Freedom to decide what "boss" and company policies we will (and won't) work for.
We're creating Income AND Impact.
Not OR. It doesn't have to be one or the other.
We don't apologize for our big goals.
That's just one of the things we're NOT doing.
We're also not spending 3 months "deciding" on our niche, only to change it again 3 months after that because the clients didn't magically appear from a few half-assed social media posts.
We're not scrolling IG checking out what our colleagues are selling, how they're pricing their services, and indulging in compare and despair when we see their success.
We're not procrastinating writing the weekly email we have on today's to-do list because we're not feeling motivated.
We write that email because someone needs to hear what we have to say. It's necessary.
That's where motivation comes from, by the way. Knowing your input is needed.
We don't buy every course or training that comes out thinking it's the magic one that will finally teach us the shortcut tactic for making money in our biz without actually requiring some effort and discomfort.
In fact, we like doing things that require some effort and discomfort. Some grit. Some new skills.
We're crazy like that.
Maybe you're crazy like that, too.
More of an audio learner? Me, too.
Fire up your airpods, go for a walk, and click below to get all the details about the program in podcast form.
The Profitable Nutritionist program is not currently open for public enrollment.
The doors will reopen September 14-20 2023
To be notified about the next enrollment details via email, join the waitlist below.