Free Training Series
Want to grow your holistic nutrition biz this summer in just 5-10 hours a week?
It's completely possible and I'll show you how.
Sign up for the free 5 day SummerTIME training below so you can eliminate most of your to-do list this summer while making even more money than you have all year.
We respect your privacy. You can unsubscribe at any time.
FREE SummerTIME Training Starts May 15th
Want to work 5-10 hours a week this summer AND make lots of money in your business?
Sign up for the SummerTIME training.
Want to know exactly what to work on each day when you sit down at your desk that is going to make you money and not waste your time?
Sign up for the SummerTIME training.
Want to know how to actually complete the tasks on your to-do list instead of procrastinating and pushing them to the next week?
Sign up for the SummerTIME training.
Want to figure out how to actually grow your biz with another job or kids at home?
Sign up for the SummerTIME training.
Want to impact your clients lives so deeply with your unique process that they send you testimonials and referrals every single time and it feels like cheating because their lives are transforming and you aren't even working that much?
Sign up for the SummerTIME training.
Yes, you CAN run your business from the lake in between grill-outs and boat rides instead of starting over from scratch in September.
I'll show you exactly how to do it in our 5 days together using my personal time management system and templates that I have only ever shared in my paid program until now.
Whoa whoa whoa...did someone say color-coded templates?
Yep. Sure did. You're going to love Day 2.
Ready to work smarter, not harder?
Over Our 5 Days Together, You Will:
Establish your 3 essential priority tasks to complete each week
Learn how to stop procrastinating and actually do what's on your to-do list for the day
Make more money over the next 90 days than you ever have before in your business
Monday - Thursday you'll get a link to the daily 20-30 minute training video sent directly to your inbox with a few simple tasks to complete.
These are actual video lessons from modules inside my paid program, The Profitable Nutritionist™.
There is no fluff.
We'll wrap up the 5 Day SummerTIME training series with a LIVE workshop on Friday, May 19th
You'll finish your procrastination-proof 90 day SummerTIME marketing and sales plan and I'll answer any questions you have about growing your business with confidence, clarity, efficiency and in just 5-10 hours a week.

Meet your coach
Hi, I'm Andrea Nordling!
I show holistic nutritionists and health coaches how to build a profitable, impactful online practice and efficiently make consistent income every month in their biz without using social media.
Yep, I practice what I preach: When I deleted all my social media profiles and business pages, my business grew exponentially.
And yours can, too!
Step one is taking control of your calendar and efficiently planning your time, which is what you'll learn in this 5 day SummerTIME training series.
Let's go.