Make Your First Automated Sales Funnel (That Converts!) In Under 30 Minutes



Thank you SO MUCH to Allie (Director of Brand Experience with Kajabi) for doing this demo for us!

As mentioned, you can start your FREE Kajabi trial (and get access to all my referral bonuses, including live Kajabi Office Hours strategy calls with me AND the Membership by Monday free course) here:





Here's what you'll learn in the Funnel + Pipeline Video Demo:

  1. What is a sales funnel? (In Kajabi lingo this is a PIPELINE)

  2. Why do we want to automate this process?

    1. Build email list

    2. Sell!

    3. Have everything connected and working quickly + efficiently

  3. Why this gets so frustrating for many people

    1. Trying to get all the pieces to “talk” to each other

    2. Don’t know what to say! (Don’t worry, we’ll make that SO EASY)

    3. Making everything look good is so hard if you aren’t a professional graphic designer

    4. When it isn’t “working” we think we need to start over...but that’s NEVER the case! Usually it’s just one or two tweaks that need to be done, and that’s typical. Your funnel will always be improving and iterating. Looking at data and having a snapshot view of what’s working and what’s not working will always guide you.

  4. What should you sell?

    1. 1:1 package if no digital product yet

    2. Consult call if you’re selling 1:1’s...then your pipeline “sells” the next step which is booking a call with you or filling out an application

    3. My favorite: Membership!

      1. Remember, I have a video tutorial on how to pre-sell your membership without creating the content to validate your idea inside the bonus Membership by Monday course you get through my partner link HERE

  5. Components of a good funnel:

    1. Helpful content with ONE CTA to get them to the next step. That’s what you’re always doing…”selling” the next step. 

      1. IE: CTA to join email list (usually by opting into a freebie or lead magnet)

    2. Email that delivers the lead magnet if applicable

    3. Automated email sequence that establishes know, like, and trust and pitches sale and/or explains the ONE next step repeated over and over

    4. Sales page and/or checkout page that sells paid product (1:1 packages, membership site, online course, etc) *Kajabi has this ALL templated for us!

    5. Then you let the data tell you what to improve: Data > Drama

Pipeline Demo

  • Quick Kajabi overview all-in-one elements (going through the high level of what Kajabi offers)

  • Pipeline blueprints (which are good for specific outcomes)

  • Demo Sales OVO Pipeline (How to build a pipeline in less than 30 min) 

    • Walk through pages

    • Walk through emails

    • Walk through offer checkout

    • Walk through automations 

    • Walk through stats


Remember, you can start your FREE Kajabi trial (and get access to all my referral bonuses, including live Kajabi Office Hours strategy calls with me AND the Membership by Monday free course) on this page.




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