#017: Why Manifesting Is Bullsh*t

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Episode Summary:
Today it's getting super opinionated around here.
First and foremost, let me say I have NO judgement on anyone who teaches or practices manifesting and the law of attraction. To each their own.
But if you're like me and none of that has ever worked for you or it makes you uneasy on a spiritual level, keep listening. I have the antidote to manifesting, I'm going to share it with you today, and I promise to never use the phrase "The Universe" in anything I teach.
You ready?
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Andrea Nordling 0:00
All right. Welcome to quite an interesting episode, I think that we have for today, you should buckle up. It's gonna get real opinionated in here today. And let me just warn you that this could be an episode that you may not want to be listening to with kiddos in the car, if that's where you happen to listen, because I just have a feeling the language could get a little colorful, I don't know. But I'm feeling caffeinated and passionated. Just say it. First and foremost, let me say from the title of the episode, you probably don't we're gonna be talking about, I have no judgment on anyone who teaches or practices manifesting and the law of attraction, and everything that that includes to each there. But if you are like me, and none of that bullshit has ever worked for you, or it makes you uneasy on a spiritual level, keep listening. I have the antidote to manifest date. That's a weird thing to say. But I do, I think, and I am going to teach it to you today. This is the anti manifesting mindset work. And I manifested seems a little dramatic, but it is quite different than any law of attraction techniques. So I'm gonna call it that. This is the work that I have done that has given me so much freedom and clarity and insights into improving literally every area of my life, I'll be honest, but including, and most specifically for the purpose of this podcast growing my very profitable and successful business. And I promise I never use the word the universe, towards the universe. I've come a long way since my days of watching the secret and trying to focus on guided meditations each morning as part of my intricate morning routine. And I just think that that is a huge bullshit time waster for many people. Most people actually, I think, and I'm going to tell you all of the reasons why I think that. So are you ready? Let's do this. First of all, why didn't the law of attraction and manifesting and all of that work for me? Well, first of all, it probably did. But that's beside the point. The point to be made, is that we are not just one component, we are not just our thoughts, we are not just our bodies, we are not just our brains, or our emotions, or our soul, like we're all of it, all of it put together, right we are multi layer beings that have a lot of components, we can't just simplify it to being like one part of it, my particular combination of all of these parts and how my brain works, what I have understood and what my soul believes to be true. In addition to that, it just doesn't jive with the concept of manifesting. I can be totally honest about that. We're gonna circle back to that in a minute. I'll tell you exactly what I mean. But before we do, I want to give a little context on manifesting in my experience with this in my life and the law of attraction, as I've experienced teachings on the subject. So first of all, I always thought I was doing it wrong. Like I was not believing, right? I still like I kind of laid this out a second ago, I started and was introduced to the law of attraction via the secret the actual DVD, the secret that you had to put into a DVD player and push play on after you fogged it with your breath and rubbed it on your shirt to see if there were any scratches. Do you remember these processes? Yes. Okay, so the DVD, the secret was given to me. I watched it. I was very intrigued. First of all, well, we'll get to that there were a lot of things about it that intrigued me. I was like, this seems too easy. And I get to make a vision board. What this sounds fun. So yeah, I did it. I remember thinking as I watched that, why don't we just win the lottery, then if this is all in our brains, and this is just as easy as believing and putting our intention out there. And then the universe will provide? Why don't we just win the lottery. And then we don't have to narrow down our options to what car and house and clothes we want. We just won the lottery was just cut to the chase here, which I can laugh about now. And that's a good thing. But when I was first introduced to the concept of the law of attraction and vision boards and manifesting and all this seriously, I just had a lot of questions. Because above and beyond just wanting the lottery to work out. I was like if I doing this right, am I believing this? Right? Why not? There's my Pinterest vision board. Like is it too easy to miss something? Did I do this wrong? Why is this a thing? What is this? I don't know. Isn't it just the results that come from just doing the things that you put your intention to doing? I must be overthinking this. I must be thinking about it wrong. If that's the case, but I was thinking it must be. Could we call this the law of results? Could we this is her way to measure it.
Andrea Nordling 4:30
I don't know. I had a lot of thoughts about this. And what I kept doing to fix it was adding more tricks to my complicated routine. So I would read books and I did some courses and I listened to some podcast and of course rewatch the secret every now and again and got a lot of ideas about the law of attraction and properly leveraging the law of attraction and getting in alignment with the law of attraction and the universe and all of these things. There were lots of affirmations being written. There were my passwords were changed to my goals or like what I was trying to manifest anyone else do this? Ah, I had an intricate 10 Step morning ritual, was reading more books and then listening to more guided meditations. There's a lot going on here. As you can see, while I'm recording this, you can understand that I go back when I do something I fully immerse in this was no exception. I think, my thought process at the time as I look back to this as well, it can't hurt, right? Might as well just do these things we'll see. I don't know, it can't really hurt. So that's what I did. I did all the things, I put them all to work. And I had the thought simmering below the surface the entire time. I don't think I'm doing this, right. So guess what, I'm sure I wasn't. Spoiler, I'm sure I wasn't. I thought I might as well just work on my mindset. Let's wait that I was doing. But I wasn't working on my mindset at all, when I was doing any of these things that I've told you about none of them, when I was subscribing to the law of attraction and the universe. And that being part of my mindset, in my limited understanding of what I thought it was, which I'm sure is different than many other people. But when I was thinking that that was mindset, I was missing the whole point, we can laugh about this. Now as missing the whole point, I was reading books, and I was listening to all of the guided meditations that were basically someone else's mindset that worked for them, and addressed their thoughts and their thought patterns. I wasn't learning to understand my own thoughts and my own beliefs, and the patterns that my brain already had really well practiced scripts to my own version of that I didn't, I wasn't learning anything about my version of these patterns, and how they were already showing up in my life everywhere. So no wonder I was always wondering, Am I doing this wrong, I'm sure it was wrong. What's wrong for me. And here's why it didn't work. I didn't understand a lot of things about how my mind worked, and how my particular version of reality is sculpted by those thoughts. I didn't understand any of it, I didn't. And those thoughts that I have in my brain are different than someone else's thoughts and the results that they want to change in their life, when they're addressing their quote, unquote, mindset. It seemed outside of me when I was thinking of it this way, before I really understood what was going on, it seemed outside of me. And I just hated using the word the universe or the phrase the universe. Because as a Christian believer in God, that felt really wrong, it felt really icky to me. So I was resistant to this idea. On some level, even though I was still kind of trying to hack the law of attraction, and I was interested in it, but then also feeling like it was sacrilegious at the same time. And so there was a lot of guilt involved. You see this cycle here. It was, it was a hot mess. Honestly. No wonder my brain was saying this just doesn't make sense. There was a lot of judgment and guilt swirling around in there. And this good little Midwestern Lutheran girl inside of me, wherever she is, she's getting louder these days, she learned at a very young age that thou shalt have no other gods. And she was really having a moral crisis with this whole the universe talk. It was It wasn't sitting well with me, it was trying to figure out how to make it make sense. But it just it wasn't if the universe is God, then let's just use the word God. That's kind of how I was thinking about it. So around this timeframe, probably 2017 or 2018, I was trying to figure out how to sort through my quote unquote, mindset, this elusive mindset thing that seemed important and people talked about, but it was a little out there. And I didn't actually know what it meant. So I use that in air quotes. The political mindset, was trying to sort through that figure it out without sacrificing my spiritual integrity, which is what I felt like all this manifesting talk honestly had been doing with me before. And so I kind of move past that it was like, I had to throw out the Ouija board, and get it out of my head. To just stop that was, that didn't feel good. I didn't like it. So I needed to get rid of that out of my life. And then I was like, but there is something here, there's something that is pushing me towards figuring out how my thoughts are part of the mix here. in all areas of my life, I have lots of goals. I've always been a very goal oriented person, I like to set big ones. I like to have big dreams, big ideas, and I really go for it. And it was like, you know, how do we do that better? How can I do that without burning myself? Out? And how do I do that without sacrificing the other priorities in my life? So
Andrea Nordling 9:25
I have a lot of questions. I know a lot of us do. As I remember this time period I can. There are certain things that stand out. And this little bit of soul searching is one of those things I just remember like really thinking about this, and I don't know how I got referred to it. But I ended up listening to a podcast in this timeframe. That introduced me to a concept and some tools that changed my entire understanding of my brain. And what mindset was, again, the air quotes mindset and how I was already doing it right. What I was doing it right, I wasn't doing it wrong all along. Oh my gosh, I was actually doing it right. So this is kind of a pivotal moment, I remember a lot about it this podcast that I somehow stumbled upon it again, I don't even remember what ever had led me to it. The podcast was The Life Coach School podcast with Brooke Castillo. and highly recommend, by the way, if you have never listened, and I don't know what episode I originally tuned into, again, I don't remember how I got to it. But it was one of those situations where I got hooked immediately from whatever I first listened to. And I said, Oh, shit, I gotta go back and listen to this from the beginning, which is what I did. So in the beginning, and there's hundreds and hundreds of episodes now. But in the beginning few episodes, she taught her tool, which is called the model. And that's the formula for how our thoughts create our results. It's very simple. It's very formulaic. My brain that wants to understand cause and effect, really, really liked learning about the model. It's like, Excuse me, this is so amazing. And I'm going to tell you what the model is, in a minute, we're going to talk all about it in case you aren't familiar with what the model is. But let me just tell you that I do remember, like I said, this, this whole time frame kind of is standing out in my mind, but I remember exactly where I was. Even when I was listening to this episode about the model, I was doing this very super boring mom job, which you may be able to resonate with, which is sitting beside a very hot, humid indoor pool. This one was in Minnesota in January, while my kids were at swimming lessons, is there a more boring job and watching swimming lessons, or boy, because that's what good moms do. Oh, by the way, in the land of 10,000 Lakes, you have to take your kids to swimming lessons, so they don't drown in the summer. It's miserable in the pool, though, in January of Minnesota, in particular, because you have to wear your winter clothes at all times, you have to really bundle up because as soon as you go between the vehicle and the building, you freeze to death. And it's seriously like minus 10. So my memory of this moment, as I think back on where I was, is that I was dripping with sweat, I was so hot, because of all of the layers of clothes that I had to have on but the pool area very hot. It's a whole conundrum. And then for the first time ever, I was wishing that swimming lessons actually took a little longer because I was so into this episode about the model and learning about the model. And I just remember thinking, well, that's a first that I want this to. So this podcast actually was also the first intro of mine into life coaching. And while we're being totally honest here, I will say I had no idea what a life coach was. I thought that was like a Saturday Night Live skit joke. I didn't think that that was worth I thought that was a punchline to a joke. To be honest, I did not know that that was a real title. And oh, how the times have changed because now I love that I am a certified and trained life coach in addition to my other specialties. And I think that life coaches are the most impactful career choice that you could have. It is like the the best thing that you could do on the planet to help people manage their minds and understand their thinking. So the irony is not lost on me. That's what I'm trying to say. But anyway, the model is this very formulaic and simple way to look at our thoughts, and how our thoughts create our results. Just very, it's a very simple formula. And what you're able to do when you understand the model, which is why I'm going to talk about it for a little bit to get your your mind going in this direction is that you can reverse engineer any goals or results that you have any results that you want in your life or your business in any area. And you can figure out exactly what you need to be thinking like you can work backwards on the molecule, your thoughts, create your results, but you can plug in your results that you want, and then figure out what thoughts you need to be thinking to get those results instead of beckoning to the universe. Can you tell Oh, that's just not my favorite thing. Okay, so here's the deal with the model.
Andrea Nordling 13:41
Imagine five lines, if we were doing this in person, like when I coach in my program, I have a whiteboard behind me and I write old school with the whiteboard marker on the whiteboard. And we actually go through models together and then everybody can see it. And that's the way I'm used to teaching. So if you could see me right now I'm like pretend writing. My hands are flailing all around as I'm trying to explain this to you. But I realized you can't see me so I'm gonna do my best to make this make sense. Alright, so we have our circumstances, which is everything that happens in the world, that is outside our control is a circumstance It just is. And then we have thoughts about those things. And our thoughts about those things, causes us to have a feeling, we experience an emotion in our body, an actual vibration, a feeling, feeling emotion are interchangeable words that I use, we experience that feeling caused by our thoughts, which then causes us to take an action or usually several actions. Sometimes we avoid taking action from those feelings. But ultimately, whatever actions we do or do not take are going to give us our results. So our results come from our thoughts because our thoughts create our feelings. Our feelings, inspire our actions and our actions give us our results. This was game changing in my life, because it just calmed the hell out of my brain. Honestly, my my passion ticular compilation of just how I think in how I like to understand concepts I loved that there was an actual progression from thoughts to feelings to actions to results, I could write them down on the back of a receipt if I needed to, if I can do it in my head, but I could also just write it down somewhere with a little chicken scratch and see, oh, I get it. This isn't like an intangible, woowoo energetic marketing ploy. That I kind of feel like the law of attraction can be sells a lot of books does a lot of that. But it wasn't that it wasn't like this far off thing that I couldn't quite understand. I didn't know if I was doing right, I could actually see, oh, this is this is the thought I'm thinking. This is how it makes me feel when I feel that way. This is what I do. And then these are the results that come from that, Oh, that makes sense. Think feel do and then you get results. So if you want to get different results, you got to think something different, and then you feel something different, then you do different things and get different results. Isn't that just the best news of the day? Seriously,
Andrea Nordling 16:08
when I coach inside my program, and we do models, sometimes as part of the coaching, depending on, you know, we do a lot of strategy coaching, there's a lot of okay, do this, do that. But I would say at least half the time, we are doing models and coaching on mindset and trying to understand what we're thinking, and then how that's creating the results we're getting in our business, when you can clearly see what you're thinking and understand that it's optional. And you could just change that thought, that's usually a much simpler action to take than any of the complicated strategies that may otherwise be deployed. Take it from me, I have definitely done this both ways. And it is a whole lot easier to change your thoughts than to change every single other thing that you do. Let me give an example. So I have looked back at some of my first models that I did on my business. Now this is around the 2018 ish timeframe. And I had just I was thinking about my business, like what were my thoughts about it and I'm gonna explain to you in a second how you can figure out what your thoughts are and strategy for kind of a quick exercise that you can do for getting those thoughts out of your brain and onto paper so you can examine them. But I'll tell you what one of them was that showed up for me a lot is this should be working better by now. This is kind of a different versions of that but recurring theme, in a lot of my thoughts about my business in different parts of my business was this should be working better by now this should be working better by now. And so when I had that thought I could see from doing a model on this I could see when I think that thought it makes me feel anxious. Specifically, I was feeling rushed, that that's the version of anxious I was having it wasn't worried anxious. It was I'm behind rushed, anxious. That was the feeling of my body rushed. And when I was feeling that way, here's what I did. I was constantly researching new marketing strategies, always trying to learn new things, watch YouTube videos have a podcast in one year at all times, trying to figure out what I haven't tried yet. I was buying more online courses and then finishing them halfway, maybe not finishing them all the way. And before I was on to the next thing, I was trying lots of tactics, throwing lots of spaghetti at the wall, so like to say, but I didn't have a system to track any of the results. Just wanted to let you know, there was not a system here to find out if any of this was working, I was just in spray and pray mode, okay, I was spending lots of time learning new things, as you can imagine, and researching the new this is going to be the one idea. This is like this is going to be at this bit. I was also making a lot of new courses and offers to sell to my audience. So I was in production mode of, Okay, gotta make a new course I gotta make new course I know, I know, I know, this is going to be that this is going to be the thing to make it go faster, I'm going to make this course it's going to sell great, it's gonna make it go faster. And it was like Are you exhausted just hearing about this, I am exhausted even reading this list. I was selling multiple, not just one but multiple different MLM products because I didn't want to miss out on any opportunities that could help my business go faster. Remember, my thought here is this should be working better by now. So I'm all rushed and anxious and I'm doing all of these things. I was working all of the time. I was being on my laptop pretty much all hours of the day. I'm gonna be totally honest. I was sacrificing a lot of family time to be in my office just trying to get one more thing done. I was exhausted. And so those were all the actions I was taking. What was the result of all of that is I was actually making it take longer. Here's the result I was making it take longer. I was wasting so much time on shit that wasn't doing any good for me and I was not focusing at all so it was making it take longer. My thought was this should be working better by now made me feel anxious and rushed. I did all sorts of things half assed and from a totally scattered mindset and I was making it take longer
Andrea Nordling 19:50
justing I'm just reading through these models that I did before. So here's what I found could be a different way to think about my business. Nothing has changed. I'm just thinking about my business. But after I saw what I was creating with that thought this should be working better by now. I wondered, Is there a different way to think about that? There's something else I could be thinking. And so I worked through this by figuring out what I did want to be creating, working backwards. And I got two new thought about my business, which is this. There's a lot that's already working really well. Still thinking about my business at this point, this is 2018 ish. Remember, I was thinking, oh, there is a lot that's already working really well. Because I was making money. I did have clients, I was helping people, there were things that were working. I had this underlying thought and belief at all times that this should be working better by now. Remember, that was the first one. And that was just always bubbling below the surface. It's kind of a theme for me, which we'll talk about in a minute. But if we're going to be totally honest, there were things that were working well, and there usually are. So question this for yourself, too. If you have thoughts like this should be working better right now. It's not working. I should be further ahead. Whatever version of that is, your particular should he thought that comes up over and over again, I want you to really question it. This is just an aside before I go through this next model, really question if that is true. In fact, think of some ways that that is a lie, make a list for yourself, do yourself a real solid favor and say, I'm not sure about that. I'm gonna prove that wrong. And make a list of all the ways that that's a lie, because I guarantee it is. So that was the case for me too. When I really thought about it. I thought, okay, there are a lot of things that are working well, there's a lot this already working really well. And when I thought that thought about my business, I felt focused, does not just feel calmer. There's a lot this already working really well. Now I'm focused, because now my brain was like, huh, and what is that? Let's find out what that is. So when I was feeling focused, what did I do, I evaluated where my time was being spent the best. I evaluated with the actual metrics in my business. So I had an understanding of what was working. And then I made a plan for what I was going to go all in on for 90 days, and just focus on for 90 days, what was I going to go all in on because it's already working. Instead of trying all of the things I was just giving myself 90 days of focus. So I created a plan for that. I created work hours, and I actually stuck to them. What I decided on one plan to execute consistently and not distract myself, by learning anything new, I made a deal with myself that for 90 days, I was not going to distract myself with any new courses or any new flashy things I wanted to learn about. No, I also spent my time weekly. First, it was weekly, then it graduated eventually to being a daily practice. But starting with weakly sort of writing down my thoughts, and just getting curious about what the heck was going on in my brain. I didn't really know at this point, a lot of skills, I had not learned a lot of the tools that I now know. So I didn't know exactly what to do with that. But I was curious about what they were, which I suggest for you too. And I was just consistently going to write them down, figure out what was going on in my brain. I consistently sent emails, I consistently showed up for my people, my clients in the way that I planned to do made that plan I stuck to it consistently. And you know what the result was of that, can we just take a wild guess?
Andrea Nordling 23:18
I consistently started making 10k a month and more. And it grew and grew from what was already working. Here's the caveat to that. I was just doing what was already working. But I was doing it consistently and I wasn't bothering with all the noise. And that all came from I thought that there's a lot that's already working really well here. And that just made me focus. And it made me feel like oh, there's already stuff here that's working. Let me figure out what that is. And so those are the actions I took, I evaluated, I got really clear, I made a plan, I stuck to the plan, I was consistent. And then surprise, surprise, my results were consistent. And they were totally different than when I was having the thought that should be working better by now. And the result I was getting was making it take longer for myself. So the reason I give you these really tangible examples from my own evolution in my own thought process here and my business is to show that our thoughts really do create our results. And when we have a tool like the model, which is my personal favorite way to do this to look at it, we can see the exact formula for how that happens. I just talked to you through it. If you were in a on a coaching call with me, you would have had my sloppy handwriting on a whiteboard to see it. But I think we did a pretty good job. I think you get the point here. So at this point, I started to ask myself as I was learning more about the model, I was learning more about my thoughts and how they were showing up in things. Our thoughts create things, right? And I was like, okay, I can see how this is actually happening. Like, my brain can wrap around. How I can see that this is already happening in my life all over from the thoughts. I'm unintentionally thinking now, what could happen if I was more intentional about what I wanted to be thinking, Oh, well, that would be different too. Good to that. I also started to ask myself how this thought that I had uncovered the unintentional thought, which I went through in the first model. And that was this should be working better by now. I started asking myself, Okay, is there anywhere else that this is showing up any other area of my life other than my business? Because that's how our brains work. And I was learning this. Our brains are very efficient little machines up there in our heads, they aren't that all that original. They like to think the same thoughts over and over and apply them all over. So I wondered, Where else had I had that thought that this should be working better right now. And guess what? It was everywhere. It was in my health journey, my progress in my health, it was in my workout, I should be stronger by now. I should be able to lift more than this right now. I shouldn't be getting tired. When I run this far. I've been doing this for way too long. Right? Can you see what I'm saying? My body should be healed by now. I should be better at only eating artisanal, grass fed beef and blessed water. Or whatever the latest greatest thing is, I should be better at that by now. I shouldn't even want to have pizza by now. Okay, I'm kidding. I've never had that thought. Because that'd be ridiculous. Do you see what I'm saying? These thoughts are everywhere. When you find one that's kind of like your your crappy thought that shows up, you might see that it's in other areas, too. It's just something to be really curious about.
Andrea Nordling 26:23
So that's what I was seeing. I was seeing that I was having this thought it should be working better by now. In disciplining my kids. Don't worry, our brains can also apply our crappy thoughts to other people and what they should be doing. Just equal opportunity. It goes all over. This should be working better by now. This should be working better by now. I started to see it everywhere. Like my brain exploded. It seriously did. Oh, this is interesting. Now what else was a spinning out about that? I didn't even realize that. What other thought patterns was I having all over my life that I didn't realize that I could start questioning? So that's what I did. I was on this quest to kind of figure out, how can I find out? What are the thoughts I'm thinking, and if I like them, and if I want to change them, because some of them might not be getting me the results I want. And I might want to start questioning those two, just like this one, that it should be further along by now. So that's what I did. Here's how I did it. I followed Brookes advice in one of her podcast episodes to start doing thought downloads. So what she calls it, it was where you just sit down with a pen and paper, you can do it digitally as well. I like pen and paper style. And you just start writing the thoughts that you're thinking. It is deeply uncomfortable. Because you're like, This is so dumb. And so then sometimes on my paper I'm writing, this is so dumb, why am I doing this? I don't even know what I'm thinking. I don't even think there are thoughts here. And guess what happens? Then this thoughts start coming, they bubble up, and I just write down whatever they are. Some of them make sense. Some of them don't. But most of them are pretty freakin negative. I will tell you that. And that just was really an important revelation for me. I had been warned that this would happen that our brains are pretty negative, and kind of skew that way. That's just evolutionarily that's been probably a really good thing. But maybe in this instance, not so much in 2022. So I started recording my thoughts, I got curious about them, I started doing that downloads, like I said, I've observed doing them probably weekly. And then as they were more insightful, and I was like, wow, there's a lot going on in there. And I can see why I'm not feeling so great all of the time. If these are the thoughts, I'm thinking on default, I started doing them daily. That was very helpful. So this is my pro tip for you. If you've come this far with me, congratulations. This is a quite the episode so far, a little ranty, a little Ravy. And then hopefully a hot tip for you here, which is start doing some thought downloads and see if you can find some patterns in the thoughts that you're thinking in all areas of your life, because that can be really, really juicy to explore. Okay, so that's what I did. I got curious about what else I was spinning out on that I didn't even realize and there was quite a bit. And at this time, I didn't think of this as hacking the law of attraction. By the way, I was not aware of it at the time, but I think about it that way now. And I just recently kind of put a fine point on this thought as it came to me one day, because every time I hear or I see someone talking about manifesting and the universe and creating vision boards and what they manifested, I'm like, Ah, there's a better way. I love vision boards, that's fine, cool, like, great, but I would much rather for the way my brain is wired and the way I process things. I would much rather plug whatever is on my vision board. I'd rather plug that shit into the model in the result line and figure out what I need to be thinking to create that result of having the thing or being that person or doing those things. Whatever result it is whatever thing would be on the vision board. I would rather figure that out. Myself. What do I need to be thinking to create that result in leaving it up to this mysterious universe genie to send my way. So that's my biggest issue with manifesting and the law of attraction, it kind of implies, at least to me that there's something external, like this genie in a bottle somewhere that will grant your three wishes, or not based on how well you believe. And if you're believing, right? Ik I don't like it. I've been clear, I don't like nothing's now I write down things that I'm grateful for. I'm curious about my thoughts. I say my prayers every day. And for me, God isn't an ATM. And it's not that genie. So you can believe whatever you want to I'm not trying to force any of my beliefs on anyone listening to this. But in my life, it was really helpful for me to learn how to look at those thoughts in my brain. And my mindset, again, with the air quotes mindset, alongside my faith, and not in a way that seemed at odds with it. And that's a whole other podcast episode I'm sure to be.
Andrea Nordling 30:55
But in essence, I just really wanted to say that I, for one needed a different format for figuring out how to create results I wanted in my business, and in my life, that didn't feel like a pseudo religion to me, in and of itself. And that's kind of what the law of attraction manifesting feels like to me. So does manifesting work? Does the law of attraction work? I'm sure it does, of course, for people that whose brains and whose souls align with that, I'm sure, but it presumes, at least in some way, to me that you don't have control in the outcome, and that, I just don't like that I want to take action and evaluate if that action is working or not. Which is why I really like a formula like the model where I can just see that in black and white. If I do this, this is what's gonna happen. If I don't do this, this is what's gonna happen. Okay, that makes sense. To me. That's what my brain likes. So in my program, like I said, when I am coaching, I use the model, I teach my students how to do that and take what's already in their brain, and then maximize it for their unique skill set, and philosophies. Let's take what we already have working in our minds, the genius that's already there, and let's maximize it. That's just makes so much sense to me, right. That's why they get such massive results. It's simple this process works. And the best part about the methods that I teach, which you're already familiar with, if you're listening to this podcast, is that everything is completely applicable for my students to then turn around and use with their clients. So everything you learned about your brain and your thought patterns are going to be 100%. mirrored by your clients, they're going to have those same thought patterns. And they're going to be able to use the same tools that you learn, which is so important and honestly, priceless. Really. Inside the profitable nutritionist program, I finish every single lesson with an action item to take for applying it to your business. And then how to take that same tool or strategy and make it applicable to your clients and how to teach it to them. So they get better and faster results more consistently as well, which I think is kind of where the magic happens. So let me just say, enrollment is opening this week, January 28, to the 31st. For the profitable nutritionist program. If you want to learn more about doing models on your thoughts, or figuring out how to hack your results. Again, hack in goddess directs, hack your results. By going straight to the source and addressing your thoughts and your belief in this elusive mindset we keep talking about you have to join this round. There's no reason to wait every day that you wait to get more focused and profitable in your business is another day that your clients have to wait for you to help them. That is not fair. Don't make them wait. Put a reminder in your calendar right now to go to build a profitable practice.com forward slash join on Friday morning. bright and shiny and sign up for the program. We will be waiting for you inside. I promise you will learn how to understand your brain and to get the results that you want in your business without ever ever using the phrase the universe ever again. If you don't want to have a wonderful, wonderful week, my friend.
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